It’s been almost ten years since we brought home the most magnificent gift we could ever receive. Throughout the years Andrew and I have walked the path of adoption with many, many young ladies. With every potential adoption we have earnestly prayed that the doors would only open for us if it was the right time to grow our family.
Well. . . .We are extremely excited and overjoyed to announce that we now have new photos to show off.

This is Baby Caleb.

Isn't he a handsome man?

Yes, it does indeed appear that Alyssa will have a little brother.
Keep us all in your prayers as we continue this process. I often liken adoption to a high-risk pregnancy. At any moment you could loose the child. We are moving forward in faith that the Lord has opened this door for our family exactly 10 years to the day. Both Alyssa and Caleb share the same due date. March 8th. I think its more than coincidence that Caleb will come at the 10 year anniversary of parenthood for the DiPastena's. Why is that you ask? The Biblical Meaning of Number 10 is completeness in divine order or completed course of time. There's nothing that is left wanting within. It's just like Jesus to fill those voids and leave us complete, wanting nothing within.
Do we serve a great God or what?